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annual crop造句

"annual crop"是什么意思  
  • An error in planting annual crop can be corrected the following year .
  • If the biennial cycle is broken for one year the trees normally bear annual crops subsequently .
  • Depending on the availability and use of the land, the annual crop of calves is sold to feedlots at different ages and sizes .
  • This is a proven system in arid annual cropped agriculture
  • The high population approach treats plantation as an annual crop ( one harvest only )
    密植种植把大蕉当作一年生的作物处理(只收获一次) 。
  • The goal is to develop a conservation tillage system applicable to the majority of annual crop farmers in imar
  • The objective is to improve the environmental sustainablility of annual cropping , while improving the profitability for imar farmers
  • It's difficult to see annual crop in a sentence. 用annual crop造句挺难的
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